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This is All Clear Firefighter Wellness, where we help you light your fire with wisdom.
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Welcome to All Clear for our fighter Health and Wellness.
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I'm Travis.
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You know, recently here in North Carolina, where we are, we were hit pretty hard by Hurricane Helene.
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We know that we've had other pretty significant hurricanes that have hit Florida, with Milton, as of recently and for that reason we wanted to take a few minutes and talk about deployment and, more specifically, your mental health during deployment.
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You know, when we look at these things, it's not an everyday situation when we're deployed, but it is something that most first responders will face at some point in their life.
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But it is something that most first responders will face at some point in their life.
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And you know, here at All Clear we talk about the realities first responders face on and off the job.
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Now, whether you're on the front lines of a structure fire, middle of a wildfire if you're out west, for example or maybe you're deployed to a disaster area, the work that you are doing is both physically and emotionally demanding.
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Now, today we're talking about something crucial mental health.
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Specifically, we're going to be talking about how to recognize the warning signs of potential mental health crisis in yourself or maybe in a fellow firefighter or first responder, when you're deployed to a disaster area.
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Now, in this episode, we'll break down how the high-stress environment of a disaster zone can impact our well-being and how to recognize when someone needs help.
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Now let's start thinking about this.
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When you're deployed to a disaster area whether it's for wildfire, fire suppression, hurricane relief or even after an earthquake the environment is intense.
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You're going to be often dealing with long hours, traumatic scenes, uncertain conditions.
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Maybe you're sleeping on a gym floor, maybe you're in a station you're not used to, and a lot of times it's all hands on deck where the stakes are high and every decision you make counts and has an impact.
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Now, ultimately, this is what we're trained for, but that's often not discussed.
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What is often not.
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Welcome to All Clear Firefighter Health and Wellness.
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I wanted to take a minute and speak about something that is very dear and near to us here in North Carolina.
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Recently we had Hurricane Helene come through and do some traumatic damage to the western part of our state.
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Also recently we've had Milton, which was another hurricane effect Florida.
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So we know that here in the southeast in particular, we've been hit very hard by natural disasters and for that reason, there are thousands of first responders from around the southeast, from around the country, that are going to different places to help out.
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Now we know, here on All Clear, we talk about the realities that we face both on and off the job.
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We face both on and off the job.
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Whether we're on the front lines of a structure fire or in the middle of a wildfire, or even if we're deployed to a disaster area.
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The work we do is physically and emotionally taxing.
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Now, today we're talking about something crucial mental health.
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But specifically, how to recognize the warning signs of a potential mental health crisis in yourself or a fellow first responder when you're deployed to a disaster area.
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Now, in this episode, we'll break down how the high-stress environment of a disaster zone can impact our mental well-being and how we can recognize when someone needs help.
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Now let's talk about what you face when you're being deployed.
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You know, when you're deployed to a disaster area whether it be for hurricane relief, an earthquake, wildfire suppression, whatever the environment is intense.
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You know, often you're dealing with long hours, traumatic scenes and uncertain conditions, and a lot of times it's an all-hands-on-deck scenario where the stakes are high and every decision that's made counts and can impact someone.
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Now, ultimately, that's what we're trained for, but what's often not discussed is how these deployments can affect our mental health, is how these deployments can affect our mental health.
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The chaotic nature of disaster areas can lead to overwhelming stress, anxiety and even trauma, and while we're focused on doing our job, it's crucial to be aware of how it's affecting us and those around us.
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Now, how do we recognize when someone is heading toward a mental health crisis?
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Well, it's not always obvious.
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For example, think about it Firefighters are pretty tough.
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We're used to pushing through bad situations, but there are certain red flags that could raise concern.
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Think about some of this.
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Think about behavioral changes.
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Is someone isolating themselves from the team?
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Maybe it's the folks you're put with?
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Are they unusually irritable, snappy, or maybe even they're withdrawn?
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Behavior that's out of the ordinary can be an early sign of mental distress.
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Also, emotional outbursts or detachment, sudden emotional reactions such as anger, frustration.
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Maybe even we catch one of our coworkers crying these are key indicators that something's not right Now.
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On the flip side of that, becoming overly detached to the situations around you, becoming numb to the situations, could signal they're struggling to cope.
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But then we also have our physical symptoms as well Constant headaches, stomach issues or fatigue despite rest can be physical manifestations of stress or anxiety.
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Now, when you're deployed, you might be sleeping on a very uncomfortable cot on a gym floor.
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Maybe you're in a station that you're not used to.
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Those things will have impacts on your physical well-being.
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Even the food you're eating might not make your stomach very happy, but pay attention to how you are feeling or how people around you are feeling physically, as it often reflects mental state.
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Now here's something else that is very much something to be considered, and that's substance abuse.
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Now, some firefighters tend to want to self-medicate.
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They may turn to alcohol or even medications to cope with overwhelming emotions.
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We know this is a self-destructive cycle that doesn't end well, so it's important to watch for signs of substance abuse, especially when it's being used as an escape.
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And when you're with a group of guys for a very long period of time, especially in down times, these things might become more evident.
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If so, make note of it.
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Finally, we face burnout Now.
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Burnout has signs that are similar to a mental health crisis.
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These signs include things such as exhaustion, lack of motivation and even a noticeable decrease in performance.
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Maybe one of the best performing guys on the crew is just not pulling his weight, well, that might be a sign that he's getting burned out or she's getting burned out.
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Maybe we need to slow down and talk to them.
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But when we talk about the chaos of a disaster zone, many times the decrease in performance can happen quickly and burnout can happen very quickly as well.
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Look for people who seem disengaged or like they're running on empty.
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If we see this, these are for sure signs that we really need to stop and ask hey, are you okay?
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Or maybe in your own case, if you feel these things, maybe you need to give a self-assessment for just a couple of minutes Now.
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Also, we need to talk about the importance of peer support during times of deployment.
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Now, we know the value of peer support.
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We talk about that all the time here on the podcast, but it's really important when you start talking about a high stress situation such as the deployment Now.
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One of the best ways to combat mental health crisis is through peer support.
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As first responders, we understand each other better than anyone else.
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We understand the dark humor.
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We understand when we laugh about things other people might not understand, but if you notice a teammate shows signs of distress, check in with them.
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It can be a simple thing.
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It could be as simple as hey, how are you holding up A small conversation from something like this can make a huge difference.
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You don't have to be a mental health specialist to know the value of these comments.
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Now remember it's okay to lean on each other.
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We need to encourage open dialogue about how you're feeling, both mentally and physically.
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Sometimes it's just knowing that someone is paying attention and that alone can prevent a crisis.
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But despite our best efforts, what do we do if someone's in crisis?
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If you think a fellow firefighter or first responder is on the edge of a mental health crisis, act sooner rather than later.
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Now here's a few steps that you can take.
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You know, the first thing you can do is have a private, nonjudgmental conversation.
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Let them know that you're concerned.
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You can use what I call I statements.
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Like I've noticed you seem really stressed lately and I wanted to check in with you.
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You know we can also offer resources.
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If our department has access to mental health professionals, point them to that direction and maybe, if you're in a deployment situation, maybe you can point them to a chaplain, or maybe there's even mental health folks available there on site If they are.
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Reach out.
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That's what they're there for and you know.
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Notify leadership if you think things are really bad, if the situation is severe.
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Make sure leadership is aware so they can provide further support and ensure safety, not only of that person but also of your team.
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Now encourage breaks in downtime.
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Sometimes it's hard to pull away from the job, especially in a disaster zone or on deployment, but pushing someone to take a short break or have a meal can do wonders.
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And especially when you're on your downtime, maybe you're at the station, you're not actively working, maybe you're seeing the after effects of what can happen.
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That can be really problematic.
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You may not be able to get a break, but ultimately, do what you can to distract yourself.
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Now you have to take care of yourself too.
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That's another important factor, especially when on deployment or facing a situation that you don't normally do.
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Let's not forget it's not just about watching out for others.
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We need to keep an eye on our own mental health as well.
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You know deployments are very intense.
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If you start feeling overwhelmed, don't ignore it.
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Take a step back.
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It's okay to admit that something is off and ask for help.
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In fact, when you ask for help, it shows strength.
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Now, in addition to keeping a check on your mental health.
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Now, in addition to keeping a check on your mental health, make sure you're hydrating, eating and resting as much as you can, even when it feels like there's no time for it.
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If you start to notice the early warning signs we talked about in yourself, reach out to someone you trust.
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You are not alone, even if you're with a crew that you don't normally work with.
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Don't worry, they're there to help as well.
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Ultimately, friends, as firefighters, we pride ourselves on being resilient, but resilient doesn't mean ignoring mental health challenges.
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It means facing them, often head-on.
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It's important that we recognize when we or someone around us is struggling, and that's a first step toward preventing crisis.
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I want to thank you again for taking time to check in with us here at All Clear.
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We'll be following up on what's happening with all the deployments here throughout the Southeast and across the country.
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Remember, there's no shame in asking for help.
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It's just another way we protect ourselves and each other.
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Also, we encourage you to go to allclearpodcastcom when you have a chance, please, if you have a deployment story or some tips that you'd like to share.
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There's a little microphone down at the bottom.
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Hit that.
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Tell us what's on your mind.
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We'd love to share it and, above all, as we always tell everyone when we sign off, light your fire within.
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Thank you, if you like what you hear, tell us All the fitness expressed on the podcast.
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Do not always reflect the opinions of the podcast.
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As always, light your environment.