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this is all clear firefighter wellness, where we help you light your fire.
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Hey, welcome to all clear.
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Guess what?
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We're at the end of season two.
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Yes, it's the end of 2024.
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We're all getting ready to take a nice well-deserved vacation for a couple of weeks.
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We'll be back, don't worry, but let's talk about 2024 for a minute.
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This year we have added video.
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Get to see my beautiful face.
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We've added a YouTube channel.
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Wow, that was a big one.
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We're still figuring out what we're doing with that and, guys, trust me, it ain't easy.
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The other things that we've done we have totally revamped allclearpodcastcom, our website.
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We've even made coffee available.
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Yes, all Clear Coffee is there, and boy, it's a dang good cup of coffee too.
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Who have we talked to this year?
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We've talked to folks like Dr Jill Joyce, ryan McKay, the super chef, chief to chef, that is.
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We've talked to Ray Allen, one of our own, who is a very well-seasoned fire chief that has shared his experiences from a band of brothers and what we can apply to that when we work with our companies and those that are with us Also.
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We've had the opportunity to discuss mental health.
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We've talked about gut health.
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We've talked about exercise with Aaron Zamzow, also had a personal friend of mine, roger Sutherland, on from Australia.
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Guess what?
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You're going to see him again real soon.
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Just so many people have contributed to make this such a wonderful podcast and so educational.
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Our goal has always been to improve the wellness of firefighters.
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Now, the North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Alliance we've always worked at we realize that it's a much broader throw than that.
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We have to think about our mental health.
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We have to think about what we're eating, how much we sleep.
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We have to focus on all of these things if we're truly going to be the best we can be.
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Now, how can you help us?
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I don't like to ask for money.
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I don't like to ask for support.
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It's not in my wiring, but you know what To do this.
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It takes fuel to make it happen.
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So let's talk about a few simple things you can do.
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First thing you can do you can go to your podcasting platform of choice Apple, google, whatever, spotify, heck, even go to YouTube, to our channel, leave a rating.
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I hope we deserve five stars, because we're really trying hard over here, guys, but tell us what you think.
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The second thing you can do, and that's absolutely free.
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It doesn't cost any money to do that.
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The other thing you can do is go to allclearpodcastcom.
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This is our website, boy, we've got everything over there.
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If you want to buy some of that all-clear coffee, just hit the banner at the top.
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Boom, you will have it delivered right to your front door.
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Now what if you want to learn about some past episodes?
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Maybe you just discovered us this season.
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We've got all of our past episodes over there so that you can go listen catch up.
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Maybe there's something you want to listen to a second time.
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Maybe there's a dad joke hidden in there somewhere that you want to be able to tell your kids.
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Guess what.
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You can go back, you can listen.
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But also, while you're there, at allclearpodcastcom, there is a little microphone button down at the bottom.
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If you click that, guess what?
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You can leave us a voicemail, and we really want to hear from you.
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In fact, we might even play you on the air you never know.
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But ultimately, guys, we need to hear from you.
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Did you know that only 5% or less of our listeners are actually subscribers?
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We need to change that and we really need your help in doing that, guys.
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We really want to keep doing what we're doing and we understand that money's tight for everybody.
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Times are hard.
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It's expensive to put gas in your truck.
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It's not cheap to put food on the table for the family.
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You got to buy clothes for the kids.
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We totally understand, because we do the same thing here at All Clear.
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But ultimately, if you can help us out, go to our Patreon.
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It's linked right there at our website, allclearpodcastcom.
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Even a small one-time donation, even a reoccurring $5 a month donation, will do wonders for us.
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We do this for our community and, ultimately, for our first responders.
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We do this because it's important and each and every one of us need to improve individually, whether it be our health, our mental health, it might even be our leadership skills.
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We're here to help as best we can and coming up in 2025, we've got some new folks that will be with us.
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We'll be talking more about mental health, leadership, all of those things, but we're trying to make it a little bit more exciting.
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I know sometimes just listening to me drone can be pretty rough, but guess what?
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We're going to try to have some new voices on here, new people to talk to.
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That will make it more of a two-sided conversation at times.
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Talk to that will make it more of a two-sided conversation at times, but you know what, guys?
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We really appreciate you taking time to listen to All Clear.
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Ultimately, this doesn't exist if you don't listen, and we appreciate it.
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We have the privilege of being able to come to you through your headphones, through your car audio system, whatever.
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We have a privilege to do that and you choose to let us do that, and we never want to betray that trust.
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We thank you for letting us do it.
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We're going to take a few weeks off here so that we can rest, recoup, recharge and be ready to go all new for season three.
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This year, we've laid down 50 episodes we have gone through, we've released coffee, we've updated our website, we've got a YouTube channel.
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There's a lot of exciting things we've already done, but guess what?
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We're going to do more of it and we're going to do great things in 2025.
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We look forward to seeing you then and, as we always say, light your fire within, but we're going to take a few days to reignite our own.
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You have been listening to All Clear Firefighter Wellness.
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All Clear is presented by the North Carolina Firefighter Cancer Alliance.
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You can find out more about us at allclearpodcastcom.
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Leave us a message.
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We'd love to hear from you.
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If you like what you hear, tell someone.
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All opinions expressed on the podcast do not always reflect the opinions of the podcast.
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As always, light your fire within.